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  EUR: Italy continues its election so investors have one eye on this, although results wont start coming through until tomorrow with some indications from exit polls late today. The main focus is the extent to which those against austerity gain a hold in any new coalition government, which would be taken as negative for the single currency.

  USD: The data today is of only peripheral interest for the dollar and are unlikely to knock the better tone that has emerged in recent weeks. The dollar index is now near 6 months highs.

  The main surprise with the UK‘s downgrade (by Moody’s) from triple-A was that it took so long. There were strong expectations that it is was likely to happen, not least because the other main agency (S&P) has had the UK on negative outlook since December and appear to be waiting for the budget announcement next month before passing judgement. Sterling weakened late on Friday and during the early part of the Asia session but has since recovered a little. But this has come on top of a pile of other sterling negative factors in recent weeks, so there remain few (if any) reasons to be cheerful on the UK currency. That said, bear in mind that sterling looks very over-sold, especially vs. the dollar, so risk of some short-covering activity remains, at least in the short-term.


  EUR:Weaker on Friday owing to the fact that banks repaid less than expected of long-term loans to the ECB, keeping market interest rates lower and nudging the euro down. The European Commission forecasts reminded the market that the Eurozone as a whole will likely contract in the current year.

  JPY: Weaker during the Asia session, USDJPY opening higher and making a new high for the year at 94.77. Expectations are growing that Kuroda will nominated as the new central bank governor. Hes seen as friendly towards further measures to kick-start the economy from the Bank of Japan, which would also push the yen lower.

  GBP: Fridays credit rating downgrade is the main talking point. Against the US dollar, the 1.50 level is the main focus on the downside, whilst 0.88 is in sight on EURGBP. Cable especially is looking very over-sold and at risk of some short-covering activity.






  In an otherwise quiet morning in FX markets it is sterling that is the talking point. The main issue appears to be how far up it can go before is starts going down again. The argument for the first point is just the extent of short positioning. The weekly CFTC, which shows the balance of non-commercial short positioning on US currency futures, reported GBP short positions at a 1 year extreme.


  We have to go back to mid-March 2010 to see the last time sterling fell this much vs. the dollar over a 2 month period. Back then, we saw a 5 big figure up-move before the downtrend was re-established. Thereafter, cable touched 1.4231 in the summer of 2010, in other words nearly 8 cents lower vs. the mid-March level. Momentum indications (daily RSI) also suggest oversold levels on cable at present, with the (14 day) RSI at levels last seen in June and previously March 2010.


  But this is all offset against the fact that the fundamental backdrop to sterling continues to be weak. The main rationale for the ratings downgrade was the disappointing growth outlook, set against the backdrop of continued austerity by the coalition government. At the same time, inflation is seen above target for more than 2 years ahead and the Bank of England has admitted they are powerless to stop it. Next major upside resistance on cable is seen at 1.5321 (Fridays high).



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